Sunday, December 23, 2012

White Hot

far away dead eyes look in . eyes cross snowy trees . soundless and bodyless . move into equivocal visual fields . powder white field 

far still so far eyes look . eyes crossed across chest . bodyless and soulful . moved by unequivocal hard metal . white hot metal 

closer yet closer the eyes . eyes crossing metal . but to yield look away look far look close look at it look at this specimen none one shall see in too common a life . yield . now charge . do not fight . hold its stare . look my Child . look . do not fear . this is you  

farther now farther the eyes . eyes across a flung distance . retreat but not as Coward . weak body strong heart . incubate in the bed of Time . you shall not rest this body . you shall bide your heart . for biding is no rest . and resting is no incubation . await your Place 

fear for the white hot metal
yearn for the white hot metal
dark sky spotless starless 
flung below infinite dark snow trees 
thick they stand close away space and light
no need for light nor hope

relinquish fear
disappears yearn 
release white hot metal
all sky limitless star
rise above regress all items of Earth
only air stands all is space and light
nothing but light and hope

raise dead eyes . steady deep honest . this is you Child . White Hot

bide Time and Place

東 涌 衝 - A Business Man's Verse

Thursday, December 6, 2012

30,000 feet in the air to press feet on home plate 
intercept to blow me 
off my feet midair 
a limbo buoy 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Loan

a quality purchase
rule one, does one need?
rule two, does one want?
rule three, can one afford?

a quality deal
rule one, does one need?
rule two, does one want?
rule three, can one borrow?

i put food in
i coax stool out

i move cash in
i flow cash out

i hold her close
i left her far

lest one desires a house of rubbish

foolery in ownership
i borrow this life
i return my loan

emerging nude
leaving nude

Monday, November 26, 2012


I speak of this Rock
I speak of Sanctity and Dignity
And I wait

Yet Pebbles
They roll to my feet
Pebbles that could snowball into the Rock

An auburn Pebble
Brownish red, dusky like the dusty Earth
Differentiates herself with a Shine so bright
Her peaceful nature calming my Soul
Her edges smoothed by the rough of Time

A black Pebble
Dullish dark, opaque like the Black Sea
Differentiates herself with a Mind so bright
Her fairy nature fluttering my Heart
Her angles balanced by the change of Place

I yearned to shove each Pebble deep in my pocket
Instead I juggle each Pebble on stiff Papyrus
They roll on a thick stack of paper hard discipline
I let slip each Pebble from half wanting hands

I harbor each Pebble as the Rock
I harbor Sanctity and Dignity
And I wait

Saturday, November 24, 2012



hidden underneath alcohol-spun quips
the Core fastens its seat belts though it needs them not
sober yet half drunk the Core forges forward 
controlling itself
controlling inebriation in its impossible innateness
like a faithful man controls his lust
controlling and loose
like a faithful man in many beds 
simultaneous feat

hidden underneath asinine tales
the Core exposes its necrotic tissue though it needs to not
pushing yet half pulling the Core marches on
like a jerk
like an asshole
filtering them
filtering candidates in the strictest sense
like a true Man filters his troops
demanding and forgiving
like a true Man in one bed
simultaneous feat


I am hidden for Me
I am hidden for Them

I hide Her under the flaps of my Core
I fly Her with the Wings on my back


I have Her
I have our Spawn
I shield Them in my Core and my Wings

I have Her
I have the Spawn
I shield Them My Life in perfect Solitude in perfect Rock


I shield Them using alcohol-spun quips
I shield Them using asinine tales

I hide Her with my asshole Core
I hide Her with my jerk Wings


I cut Chaff like a true Man in one bed
I possess no lust outside this bed

I lose control of lust in Her bed
I cut Chaff to be in Her bed

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Sick Green Chameleon


I see their kicks
High flying and I want to fly
Stick my formless green feet in
My magic form less form fitting feet
Swag like them I do
Win them with excel tricks and suave talk
So high I go
How long can I go
Wearing them banker kicks

I see their kicks
Neurotic buzzings and I want to buzz
Stick my formless green sole in
My magic form less form defying sole
Mentate like them I do
Win them with western blots and finnagled papers
So neurotic I go
How long can I go
Wearing them scientist kicks

I see their kicks
Noble saves and I want to save
Stick my formless green soul in
My magic form less form lying soul
Pontificate like them I do
Win them with mission trips and pristine demeanor
So noble I go
How long can I go
Wearing them mother theresa kicks

I see their kicks
Respectable pacing and I want to pace
Stick my formless green toes in
My magic form less form webbing toes
Pretense like them I do
Win them with ivy pedigree and feigned commitment
So respectable I go
How long can I go
Wearing them doctor kicks


kick my

suave talk
finnagled papers
pristine demeanor
feigned commitment

high flying neurotic noble respectability

tired and sick
tired and sick and green is the soul of my feet

soul and feet

beg me
beg me to kick the habit


mold the shoes of my soul in walden

Monday, November 5, 2012

Your Saggy Ass

I played it all night, cool and easy and light
Not because I naturally can
But because you speak truth
So of course I lied
To get close to you
And our words got so close

I spun on barstools, words and roles and tricks
Yes because I naturally do
But I did not move with truth
So of course you knew
To call me out
And I called you towards me

You kept my lies in mind
Not because you minded
But because you recognized truth
So of course you moved
To get close to me
And our words got too close

You showed your faults in the morning light
Not because you wanted to
But because you would not hide truth
So of course I did not move
To keep you close
And I moved only to follow at the crease of your faults

That morning I followed you

This night I follow you

Like truth follows lies

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dr. Off

just take it all off
because i am off
off track and sick i am
vapid to my core
is it me 
or worse
vapidity circles me

take it off now
my soul is in hiding
both you and it
corpses puppet around
unreal ties
or worse
theatricals to encore

keep your clothes on
for it is wearing off
whats new is not you
friction in wheels spun
waste heat
or worse
tepidity frames fire

Sunday, September 30, 2012


two and a half months before salvation
my muscles tear against each bone as I wait
distract the brain replacing deadwood with dead weights

salvation to enjoy their happy wrinkled faces
salvation to enjoy softness and extend softness

ten years old but I sought salvation
my lungs pierced by pain but I wait
run along pavement replacing one hurt with another
salvation to hear them recognize the wonder that is me
salvation to hear my own voice over theirs

ten months ago I found salvation
the repertoire of my soul reorganizing and I did not wait
debate oblivious hours placing awe with lust
salvation to revive a trueness of character and a romanticism of heart 
salvation to know my soft voice from theirs 

alongside hers

Monday, September 24, 2012


Eastern European slavery must stop
Do not stop
The train tracks must part
Do not part
Two worlds of beauty must crease
Do not crease

Two worlds
They stop to part and crease

forgiving fat

Creasing train tracks

taut muscle

Part ways to stop the slaving
Which train

Do stop
Do part
Do crease
Then do not stop
But please stop

Coned meniscus
Meniscus track cones

Crease worlds to continue the slaving
Which world


Sunday, September 16, 2012


Sharp grey suit spinnin' wheels on the 59th
Floor the soul and make the trudge to 59th
Street lead not to actualization but to intersection
with Lexington then Park
Wheels churn out tiny 590 million dollar funds
monday to saturdays
sunday spin class and spinning Botox needles
occupy mind street
occupy body street
occupy soul street
olympian creature
refine that apex

Spinning the sharps

to a receding edge
Particles of the point dusting off
Full circle
Wheel around
Back to me
Forth to the curb
But no curb

Wheel the iron against sharp grey suit

Back to
Blunt dull rags

Spin not hamster wheels

But these wheels of mine
Gear and trap
Rhythm of the chain loop with knees that
Heave and depress
Depress and heave
A chest
housing a freed soul

Pedal away from grey concrete

along earth
towards what
full circle seeing 59th
unfathomable space

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Boss' Son

We washed His car, baring our back to the sun and birds
My free yet shy breasts brushing the black alloy
To be forever frozen at Tanner Stage II
Unbeknownst to me nor the neighbor's boy 
A few years older than me riding his bicycle
back forth back forth past our driveway
To ascertain my free yet shy breasts 
Tanner Stage II
in his ten year old boy eyes
Not seeing that I am just another shirtless boy as he.

We drew diagrams for His business, no limiting by sky or earth
My naive yet racing mind brewing capitalistic magic
To be forever frozen at the Entrepreneurial stage
Unknown to me nor The Boss
A many years older than me running His own show
inspiring creating leaving crumbs along our driveway
To feed my naive yet racing mind
Entrepreneurial soul
in His forty eight year old being 
Seeing that I am to grow into a man as He.

We discussed lovers for Him and me, cocking our worth to the air
My new yet unwavering sureness planting a rock wall
To be forever impregnable as a Man's Ego
Unknowing to my lovers and enemies
A few years before and after lauding and uprooting my driveway 
To add color and clarity to my unwavering Self 
The Boss' Ego
in my twenty five year old existence
Seeing that I have nothing to prove to woman nor man.

We groomed my scholarship, bribing challenges with cotton candy ease
My easy yet directionless Aptitude guided by His wisdom 
To be forever chameleonic as a Renaissance man
Unbecoming to specialized society and modern dogma
A few decades later will see both razed and kneeling at my driveway
To confirm The Boss' reckonings of this Talent
A timeless one 
in the collective memory of ancient kingdoms and the inadvertent fatherhood of The Boss 
Seeing daddy's little girl as His son bequeathed.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

This is Not a Poem

1. Alvarado not for Alvarado but to ice pick the thereafter 
2. Con woman leaves lasting pros and an amateur con
3. Laurd of the Septum and Carbon Rings run stripper heel book holders 
4. Sophocles brought a soft heart from Paris to New Amsterdam
5. Cinder blocks ghetto block parties with Sebring convertibles
6. Bell Blvd Bar mixers mix a time so late for work
7. Schmuck shucks ego blow up sup elevate to new league
8. Bo-ooogie man walks red carpet via desperate entertainment industry 
9. K-Pain rappin out J Crew prep to cruise this ego
10. AtxEuroPesos prostitute a well sold whoredom
11. ALabama EXchange the queer for the flirt, exchange big for right
12. MariaK, forget-you-nots, The dance that never ended and never will
13. St Nicholas brings candied fish to a young boy
14. Pontine nuclei localization to a quick lesion
15. Michigan States this is her first girl
16. Journal of the ESsential Sociedad of Special Needs
17. Job Openings (for) Economist, DDS self prescribes sildenafil
18. VinnDiagrams stuff puppy dogs in circles of rules and regulations
19. Auburn locks lock this heart into a tender sweet tomato soup in Bushwick
20. Laurel wreaths repeating leaps and bounds across the Throgsneck bridge

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Her Magician

Searing my chest
The smoke rises
Tearing these eyes

She sits on the edge of the bench
The mound of her back humped to the sky
As her eyes take in the novel
She sees the fine print
Her eyes intent against non intent curls
She pays no attention to me

Her body so fragile and shrunken
I flex my muscles tight keeping her in
I flex my muscles against themselves
Her body so spared
She has no attention of my writhing pain
Know not how I want to transform

She need not know
Of the burning
Potato fries
From the simple earth
Basked in sunflower oil
Oregano and rosemary lay noncommittally on textured body
Air pockets filled with salty heat
Simple pleasures from a simple earth

Her eyes limited in distance
Her ears damaged in waves
Her limbs and hip decrepit in time
Her teeth substituted in place

Hot oil festering
But she need not know

She need only know of simple pleasures
Abysmal beauty


To give her distance, waves, time, place


To be

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Twin Births

Wont to look without want
At her face so ready.
Right deed, wrong executor
Take his role for him.

Want to act without wont
At this softness so raw.
Shameful way, forgivable intent
Find her role in her.

The canal of my birth
Now enter 
For her pleasure my reincarnation.

Wont to let her sample an ought affection 
A lack thereof
perpetuated to my heart from her striking hand
deviously felt in my loins.

Want to save us both from his absent love
A replacing of missing
applied to her glans from my pressuring tongue 
shakingly felt in her heart.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Some Thing

You don't want this.
You want your ex life or something else
But you don't want
True or False?



Thursday, July 5, 2012

When you know, you need not think
Your only need will be to impose heavily, rudely, astutely.

Landai means ‘short, poisonous snake’ in Pashto. The word also refers to two-line folk poems.

The Rich and The Poor

The rich man sees a stone 
Nudge with the tip of his foot
He recognizes its worth
But questions it against his own

The poor man knows of a speck of dirt
Never seen the rich man's gem
He knows not what worth is
And treasures the speck

The rich man walks on
His path littered with gems
He surveys and bides.

The poor man stops in his tracks
His path bared and dirted
He needs and commits

The rich man was not born rich
The poor man was not born poor

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Pain of Youth

Unloved child,
Choose crime or art.

To retract
The pain of youth

Fearful truth,
Not for lack of capability
But for fear and ambition.

Unloved children,
Let us wrap our heads in your hands
Let you place your hands on our heart
To squeeze this odd muscle
Not to squeeze back life
For we have plenty.
But to apply a pressure
of stranger warmth.

A sharing of strength to dispose
Of the majority rules.
Know not our faces nor our names,
But know our mutual existence
As a hand pickpockets a soul.

The artist
The criminal
We had no choice.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

穩 吻


Friday, April 27, 2012


I was cocky
to venture
‘my glasses are foggin up’
sweetly receiving
‘just do this’
as she propped the nerdaphernalia up over my eyes
then closing the gap
to let them fall
over the bridge we made with two foreheads.

Monday, April 23, 2012

alien invasion club

cabin lights on / my way from LGA / cab lights off / my way to MTA / trans-gasm-port-gasm / schisms bridged by the Washington / buy-gasm-sell-gasm / of Washingtonian black box algorithm / yet / chug kool aid to rhythm alien / alien world tout license of innocence / crayolas wince at ponzific excellence / tufts invade each orifice / office fists frozen in claws laws broken / egos masturbate to OWS debate / ids refrigerate without abate / watch from the bush / watch from such cush / poison ivory tower / we can always cower / show our strong suit / any deck we’ll make suit / suits and sex / sex and suits / powerpoint lust / if you must / give in to sado-trichotillomanic hex / fornicate between Park and Lex / to the tune of fapfapfap / on a bed of extruded hair / bald heads bop to wubwubwub / fearless and unaware 

In glorious collaboration with Patrick Cheng
With serendipitous contribution from Christopher Schmidt
And thankful impetus from NYCpoetweet

Meme by

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Five months six souls
But you're still laughing to my song
You come and you go
But you're still whimpering dearly in my arms
You go and you come
But you're still putting me in my spot
You chitter and you chatter
But you're still waiting for this touch
You chatter and you chitter
But we're still making love
Five months six souls
They come 
They go
But we
We are still making love

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Given: nincompoops exist
Assume: categories exist
Prove: x = nincompoop

x: Do you have a boyfriend?
o: I don't do boyfriends.
x: So you just fuck?
o: I fuck men.
x: Well done.
o: You too?
x: God no.
    I fuck women.
o: I don't.
    I make love to women.

Therefore, x = nincompoop

x = straight male, gay female, bi female
o = bi male, straight male, gay female, bi female

# of possible combinations: 12

N.B. nincompoops may exist outside of x