Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Boss' Son

We washed His car, baring our back to the sun and birds
My free yet shy breasts brushing the black alloy
To be forever frozen at Tanner Stage II
Unbeknownst to me nor the neighbor's boy 
A few years older than me riding his bicycle
back forth back forth past our driveway
To ascertain my free yet shy breasts 
Tanner Stage II
in his ten year old boy eyes
Not seeing that I am just another shirtless boy as he.

We drew diagrams for His business, no limiting by sky or earth
My naive yet racing mind brewing capitalistic magic
To be forever frozen at the Entrepreneurial stage
Unknown to me nor The Boss
A many years older than me running His own show
inspiring creating leaving crumbs along our driveway
To feed my naive yet racing mind
Entrepreneurial soul
in His forty eight year old being 
Seeing that I am to grow into a man as He.

We discussed lovers for Him and me, cocking our worth to the air
My new yet unwavering sureness planting a rock wall
To be forever impregnable as a Man's Ego
Unknowing to my lovers and enemies
A few years before and after lauding and uprooting my driveway 
To add color and clarity to my unwavering Self 
The Boss' Ego
in my twenty five year old existence
Seeing that I have nothing to prove to woman nor man.

We groomed my scholarship, bribing challenges with cotton candy ease
My easy yet directionless Aptitude guided by His wisdom 
To be forever chameleonic as a Renaissance man
Unbecoming to specialized society and modern dogma
A few decades later will see both razed and kneeling at my driveway
To confirm The Boss' reckonings of this Talent
A timeless one 
in the collective memory of ancient kingdoms and the inadvertent fatherhood of The Boss 
Seeing daddy's little girl as His son bequeathed.

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