Thursday, January 31, 2013

starve happy

i blunder milligrams and micrograms
you stop me 
i expect a lash
you grasp my wrist
gently make a point 
that it's not a major point
but enough to point

i advance millimeters and micrometers
blonde streaks threading through gentle hazelnut
waves upon waves floating at the nape
masculine narrow blue eyes determination
feminine grasping hand educating encouraging
faint facial lines proving worth and time 

i walk outside
scan the usual fare
decide to starve

Sunday, January 27, 2013

velcro skies

misaligned interests
changing faces
west coast
east coast
no coast 
in sight
a future in the air
velcro skies
yank my feathers
small wounds 
borning me

Saturday, January 19, 2013

no questioning

his big white coat commanding
that i be his chaperone standing
in a little white room we beckon
to remove her gown in a second
soft young breasts we are questioning
cysts benign malignant malingering
a natural instinct the brain retrieves
a past love's consummation eve
soft young breasts i am caressing
trysts sighs poignant lovemaking
a laughable charge the brain receives
a present society's assumption i tease
soft young female chaperone no questioning
as proper molestation prophylacting

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

anything but

how long do you think we'll last ? six months ?
I smile and do not respond to gypsy musings 
for gypsies dance and frolick and she too free to do anything but

and I too slow too late to do anything but


write about her musings that were not musings
write about the gypsy who wants a home
write about the home that wants a gypsy
write about my musings that were her musings that were not mere musings

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

winter log

blue tail pimp now limp in the bin
blue clit clippity clip clip
clip cut kgbitches and clip choke kgblokes
alma mater do do matter
reader and writer do do simmer
simmer and whimper the bros turn hos
i work charm and my peers play farm
nurture them of past and along they will pass
solo soul darkens colored train lines harken
polo shirts lighten 'whats your sign?' brighten
dates to be planned dont date plans
maternal arrival heralding bling ding
ennui woe-sers and coffee closers
tax law puzzles fo shizzle my nuzzle
nuzzle and cuddle is a saleable rebuttal
glengarry glen ross the saleable love shuttle 
easy blondes are no fixed income bonds
occam's razor solving bling ding ding a ling
i play the unicorn times three 
what do you play i ask thee
instigate i do unwitting and unwanting
jealousy and need tangle in seed and weed
poisonous fruit in juice box of locks
giving to be given - a given to giving 
lavender visions spawn myopic matrimonial incisions
mother i like to love is never too late to loveboat
a pretty tug she is but the heart is no tugboat
beset with want - get ready go set
go home early before the moon sets

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Waiting Room

Nothing I have done matters
Nothing I do matters
Nothing I will do matters, or will matter

This fight is worth fighting for
As long as I know I will lose.

Otherwise, my feet leave the track of a Fool

The fight for prestige wealth acceptance
To be desired and envied by our fellow Fools
The disguised fight against Death
I will disguisedly lose

Iron Man atop Mount Everest
Enjoy the high

But know that Dr. Maslow is a quack against Death
Prestige is not remembered
Wealth you bequeath to Fools
And what better antithesis to acceptance than Death

Come judgment day 
Dr. Maslow is my God
Lovingly directing us to Hell
for like the Egyptians
we have built but failed to reach a nonexistence


to lose
for what else is there for us to do
magazines in the waiting room of Death