Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Loan

a quality purchase
rule one, does one need?
rule two, does one want?
rule three, can one afford?

a quality deal
rule one, does one need?
rule two, does one want?
rule three, can one borrow?

i put food in
i coax stool out

i move cash in
i flow cash out

i hold her close
i left her far

lest one desires a house of rubbish

foolery in ownership
i borrow this life
i return my loan

emerging nude
leaving nude

Monday, November 26, 2012


I speak of this Rock
I speak of Sanctity and Dignity
And I wait

Yet Pebbles
They roll to my feet
Pebbles that could snowball into the Rock

An auburn Pebble
Brownish red, dusky like the dusty Earth
Differentiates herself with a Shine so bright
Her peaceful nature calming my Soul
Her edges smoothed by the rough of Time

A black Pebble
Dullish dark, opaque like the Black Sea
Differentiates herself with a Mind so bright
Her fairy nature fluttering my Heart
Her angles balanced by the change of Place

I yearned to shove each Pebble deep in my pocket
Instead I juggle each Pebble on stiff Papyrus
They roll on a thick stack of paper hard discipline
I let slip each Pebble from half wanting hands

I harbor each Pebble as the Rock
I harbor Sanctity and Dignity
And I wait

Saturday, November 24, 2012



hidden underneath alcohol-spun quips
the Core fastens its seat belts though it needs them not
sober yet half drunk the Core forges forward 
controlling itself
controlling inebriation in its impossible innateness
like a faithful man controls his lust
controlling and loose
like a faithful man in many beds 
simultaneous feat

hidden underneath asinine tales
the Core exposes its necrotic tissue though it needs to not
pushing yet half pulling the Core marches on
like a jerk
like an asshole
filtering them
filtering candidates in the strictest sense
like a true Man filters his troops
demanding and forgiving
like a true Man in one bed
simultaneous feat


I am hidden for Me
I am hidden for Them

I hide Her under the flaps of my Core
I fly Her with the Wings on my back


I have Her
I have our Spawn
I shield Them in my Core and my Wings

I have Her
I have the Spawn
I shield Them My Life in perfect Solitude in perfect Rock


I shield Them using alcohol-spun quips
I shield Them using asinine tales

I hide Her with my asshole Core
I hide Her with my jerk Wings


I cut Chaff like a true Man in one bed
I possess no lust outside this bed

I lose control of lust in Her bed
I cut Chaff to be in Her bed

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Sick Green Chameleon


I see their kicks
High flying and I want to fly
Stick my formless green feet in
My magic form less form fitting feet
Swag like them I do
Win them with excel tricks and suave talk
So high I go
How long can I go
Wearing them banker kicks

I see their kicks
Neurotic buzzings and I want to buzz
Stick my formless green sole in
My magic form less form defying sole
Mentate like them I do
Win them with western blots and finnagled papers
So neurotic I go
How long can I go
Wearing them scientist kicks

I see their kicks
Noble saves and I want to save
Stick my formless green soul in
My magic form less form lying soul
Pontificate like them I do
Win them with mission trips and pristine demeanor
So noble I go
How long can I go
Wearing them mother theresa kicks

I see their kicks
Respectable pacing and I want to pace
Stick my formless green toes in
My magic form less form webbing toes
Pretense like them I do
Win them with ivy pedigree and feigned commitment
So respectable I go
How long can I go
Wearing them doctor kicks


kick my

suave talk
finnagled papers
pristine demeanor
feigned commitment

high flying neurotic noble respectability

tired and sick
tired and sick and green is the soul of my feet

soul and feet

beg me
beg me to kick the habit


mold the shoes of my soul in walden

Monday, November 5, 2012

Your Saggy Ass

I played it all night, cool and easy and light
Not because I naturally can
But because you speak truth
So of course I lied
To get close to you
And our words got so close

I spun on barstools, words and roles and tricks
Yes because I naturally do
But I did not move with truth
So of course you knew
To call me out
And I called you towards me

You kept my lies in mind
Not because you minded
But because you recognized truth
So of course you moved
To get close to me
And our words got too close

You showed your faults in the morning light
Not because you wanted to
But because you would not hide truth
So of course I did not move
To keep you close
And I moved only to follow at the crease of your faults

That morning I followed you

This night I follow you

Like truth follows lies