Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Pelagic Apology

you squeeze and yank at the pillow under your raggedy curls
like a baby goldfish you pop air bubbles from bubble lips
but possessed I am fervently busied with a mission for fishin'
and 'fore long my hook be yankin' and I am overboard  
a big splash of fluid and an apology immersed

just an itch

the nerve said to the muscle: Twitch

and twitch the bitch sure dint ditch but he who is so kitchy cant in no form or shape let his britches be ditched

sitch may be tits bits and hits but switch the kidz kedz catch and the sitch we stitch with so much grit

moody's and fitch rate blank wits let the country go a lit and sit yes sit sit yo ass down my tits my slit bliiiiiiiitz

blitz that charging bull with so much ritz hitchin' and richin' like a boar whisperin' to scratch my itch

no German on this home front frontin' on the NYSE floor and score! Twitch you got the nerve of a bitch hittin' the floor of this exchange and ride the wild boar market ain't no loose change for losing those britches to rub no switch on so much form shape and tits those lips be blitzin' over so much ritz 

so go and Twitch

pg. 5. block

block me Here and block me Right but bat your lid and Left I did