Friday, April 17, 2020

静 the white people translate to tranquility?
静 stirs inside of me, I am still but not tranquil
stare at the framed character on the wall
which white person put that up?
counting up the days you’ve been gone
counting down the nights you’ll be back
a daily routine follows familiar strokes
the daily soul travels uneven tracks

静 the yellow people taught me as still
静 stirs loudly within since you’ve been gone
I am not tranquil staring at this writing on the wall
And who would be?
to have the days count them up
and the nights stare them down
each act of self love following familiar tracks
the soul dragging with every stroke

surrounded by so much stillness
the force inside anything but
ricochet between the walls of rib cage
waiting to spill out from
every pore of this body onto
every surface of you
pushing gently deeply
to fill
and nourish

[October 15, 2019]