Saturday, August 25, 2012

This is Not a Poem

1. Alvarado not for Alvarado but to ice pick the thereafter 
2. Con woman leaves lasting pros and an amateur con
3. Laurd of the Septum and Carbon Rings run stripper heel book holders 
4. Sophocles brought a soft heart from Paris to New Amsterdam
5. Cinder blocks ghetto block parties with Sebring convertibles
6. Bell Blvd Bar mixers mix a time so late for work
7. Schmuck shucks ego blow up sup elevate to new league
8. Bo-ooogie man walks red carpet via desperate entertainment industry 
9. K-Pain rappin out J Crew prep to cruise this ego
10. AtxEuroPesos prostitute a well sold whoredom
11. ALabama EXchange the queer for the flirt, exchange big for right
12. MariaK, forget-you-nots, The dance that never ended and never will
13. St Nicholas brings candied fish to a young boy
14. Pontine nuclei localization to a quick lesion
15. Michigan States this is her first girl
16. Journal of the ESsential Sociedad of Special Needs
17. Job Openings (for) Economist, DDS self prescribes sildenafil
18. VinnDiagrams stuff puppy dogs in circles of rules and regulations
19. Auburn locks lock this heart into a tender sweet tomato soup in Bushwick
20. Laurel wreaths repeating leaps and bounds across the Throgsneck bridge

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Her Magician

Searing my chest
The smoke rises
Tearing these eyes

She sits on the edge of the bench
The mound of her back humped to the sky
As her eyes take in the novel
She sees the fine print
Her eyes intent against non intent curls
She pays no attention to me

Her body so fragile and shrunken
I flex my muscles tight keeping her in
I flex my muscles against themselves
Her body so spared
She has no attention of my writhing pain
Know not how I want to transform

She need not know
Of the burning
Potato fries
From the simple earth
Basked in sunflower oil
Oregano and rosemary lay noncommittally on textured body
Air pockets filled with salty heat
Simple pleasures from a simple earth

Her eyes limited in distance
Her ears damaged in waves
Her limbs and hip decrepit in time
Her teeth substituted in place

Hot oil festering
But she need not know

She need only know of simple pleasures
Abysmal beauty


To give her distance, waves, time, place


To be