Nothing I have done matters
Nothing I do matters
Nothing I will do matters, or will matter
This fight is worth fighting for
As long as I know I will lose.
Otherwise, my feet leave the track of a Fool
The fight for prestige wealth acceptance
To be desired and envied by our fellow Fools
The disguised fight against Death
I will disguisedly lose
Iron Man atop Mount Everest
Enjoy the high
But know that Dr. Maslow is a quack against Death
Prestige is not remembered
Wealth you bequeath to Fools
And what better antithesis to acceptance than Death
Come judgment day Dr. Maslow is my God
Lovingly directing us to Hell
for like the Egyptians
we have built but failed to reach a nonexistence
to lose
for what else is there for us to do
magazines in the waiting room of Death
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