Wednesday, May 29, 2013

United State of Pain

He said she has experienced his pain
He said none other has 
He said he loves her

I stay quiet
For I have said what he has said

I remember how safe I was
when you answered the phone
three thousand miles away I was safe
but not three seconds prior

You never told me your pain
You were familiar with mine
Like none other has
Lookers-on may laugh but they know not

You are a bad counselor

I wanted to feel your pain I wanted to feel You
Yield. Let it cut deeper
I felt safe doing so. You with me 
over a tenuous line 

You are a bad counselor
You never told me your pain

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Without Me

My back touches the wall
Your back touching air

No one pays attention to us

My hip touching air
Your hip touches air

They continue without us

You look down at me
Brown eyes soft and pure
Gently loving
Brimming with Goodness

I breathe the air pocket between our eyes
and it is not enough

My back touching the wall
Your back to them

I look past you wanting escape

My hip wanting your hips
Your hip girdling me inside

I look up at you
My eyes hiding and low
Deftly running
Brimming with Fear

Our hips float in the air pocket between our loins
and it is so very little

They continue without us

my eyes deceive you
my hips deceive you

You continue without me

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Wash Enough

Today is a wash
I lie
Every day has been a wash
This week
A wash


that this is a wash


So much
This is not it

Not the Life

These people
A wash

Simply waiting

This is not it

Not the Life
Leads to it

A wash

Just a wait

The fire inside burns so strong so restlessly I hold myself back from the worse from dishonor Yet it is it must it SHALL be released in small spurts For How does one deal with This waiting A perfect life Perhaps A privilege indeed to be bequeathed Yet The sense of control wanting to lose itself RESTless yet I do not REST I must keep moving yet This Life is not moving FAST enough Guard yet I do my honor so tenuously Dependent on  Audience I do best ONLY of which I let myself But Not do I let myself do the best I am capable OF Because why care yet She She She and SHE make me care Who is she Nobody but a gentle soul A gentle soul Is All I need I do not know But I do know what is not Enough

The wonder of 

Fortune Rookie

She cracks
Cracks open
A fortune
Empty inside
Just a message
Heavy like Air
So heavy

Deal your own
A fortune 
Empty outside
Not a message
Light like Earth
So light

Not your time

Fortune cookie
Fortune rookie

Make your own

Identity crisis
Identity capital
